Our Authors

Each Master of Influence with a great focus on serving a specific audience, having a presence in the venues where their clients frequent, and constant education through written, audio, and video production on various social media channels, requires constant effort. While the publisher can provide the recipe and support, the author must play the largest role in the education of their target audience. Since digital publishing requires more than simply excellent writing skills, audio products, video products, and audio and video marketing vehicles contribute to reaching your audience.
Dr. Wanda Ross Cody Padilla, our Santa Fe Soul Sister, epitomizes Dr. Wanda Glamma, her anti aging philosophy and tools for healthy vibrant living are proven by her own example. Inspired and motivated for decades, the result she offers are dramatic. Are you ready to be as healthy and vibrant as you can be?
Dr. Dave Ziegler has spent over 50 years proving that no child is a lost cause. For four decades, he lived and worked with some of the most challenging young children in the United States, those who had experienced severe trauma, neglect, and abuse. Whether abused or trying to help, his recipes of help are profound!
Denny Johnson the creator of The Rayid Method, provides one of the most insightful and provocative tools known to man. Everyone loves looking into another person's eyes. Since they are the "Windows to the Soul", Would it be wonderful to have a map of that Window's Soul? Simple to begin and infinite to apply, anyone interested in themselves or the people in their lives, "What the Eye Reveals" is a must!
New John Meluso Jr. CSP, during the last 40 years has helped thousands understanding their communication style and those styles we see everyday that are different. Understand the 4 hidden languages, with his landmark book, "eyeTalk, Bridging from Communication to Connection." Improve your communication dramatically.