Products & Services

While publishing traditionally has been printing, warehousing and marketing distribution through relationship building with bookstores and book distributors, eBooks have dramatically changed that business.

The cloud handles warehousing, computer-generated graphic design, videographers, and sound studios replacing printing, and the internet expanding delivery to computer/tablet/mobile phone-friendly readers, viewers, and listeners.  Websites replace bookstores and access to wisdom available at our fingertips. With the blessing of universal availability and ease of access come different responsibilities.

          While the publisher can provide the recipe and support, the author must play a larger role in the education of their target audience. Just as the publisher won’t write your book for you, we won’t manage your garden. We can plan the garden, provide specialists to support the garden, and support marketing your book, fully knowing the author must water the garden to bear fruit.  

Digital Publishing and Marketing is complex enough, there for we offer three simple packages. :

  • MOI Basic Package - 
  • MOI Professional Package -
  • MOI Elite Package

10 % of MOI Basic to NSA Foundation

10 % of MOI Basic to NSANM

Choose one now!

$50 for package of Ten Barcodes

$50 for 2 QR codes for Flyers, Business cards and email signatures

$100 for one hour consulting one on one.